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Sioux Falls MPO Long Range Planning
Every five years, the Sioux Falls MPO develops a long-range transportation plan to guide transportation-related improvements throughout the metropolitan area. As part of each plan update, the MPO conducts a comprehensive, statistically-significant market research study to gather input from MPO communities about transportation planning issues. East/west connectivity has historically been a top three 'need' indicated by the community. This exemplifies the importance of maintaining sufficient levels of capacity, mobility, and safety for the 10th / 11th / 12th Street corridor (old SD Highway 42), as the lone continuous east/west arterial corridor through the metropolitan area between 60th Street North and 57th Street.
In the latest market survey, conducted in 2023, improving east-west traffic flow was again a top concern amongst the resident and employer survey responses:
- Top priority for transportation improvements: Improving east-west roads in Sioux Falls
- Top transportation improvement respondents were most willing to fund: Improving east-west roads in the City of Sioux Falls
- Top roadway priority for residents: East 10th Street / S.D. Highway 42
Additional information can be found in the 2045 Go Sioux Falls MPO Long Range Transportation Plan and the documents below.
Additional Documents
- Shape Sioux Falls 2040
- 2021 Sioux Falls Pedestrian Plan
- Envision 2035 Minnehaha County Comprehensive Plan
- 2024 South Dakota Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)
- Sioux Falls MPO Bicycle Plan
- Horizon 2035 Downtown Sioux Falls Plan
- I-229 Exit 6 Interchange Modification Justification Report
- Sioux Falls Downtown Traffic Impact Study 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
The 10th Street viaduct bridge was constructed in 1930 and the 10th Street Big Sioux River bridge was constructed in 1934. The 11th Street viaduct bridge, the longest of the three structures and extending approximately 1,578 feet, was constructed in 1971.
SDDOT has determined that the existing bridges are near the end of their lifespan and are planning for their replacement due to deteriorating structure condition and increasing maintenance costs have indicated the need for replacement.
The study is anticipated to last nearly three years in order to develop, refine, and evaluate concepts, incorporate public feedback, and complete National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to identify recommendations.
The SDDOT will use recommendations from the Major Investment Study to scope design projects for replacement of the viaduct structures. At the same time, the City of Sioux Falls can also begin scoping project(s) to complete required modifications to the local street network.
The 10th Street structure is tentatively programmed for replacement in year 2032, and the 11th Street structure is recommended for replacement in 2036.
This study will evaluate different options for maintaining traffic during construction and make a recommendation. Scenarios that will be analyzed could include maintaining at least one lane of traffic in each direction on one of the bridges while the other is being replaced or routing one or both directions of traffic to an adjacent street (e.g., 8th Street, 14th Street, 26th Street). Approximate timelines for traffic impacts will be estimated.
The Downtown TIS demonstrated a need to maintain the existing 10th Street & 11th Street one-way pair. This study will update the traffic and safety analysis for the corridor to help inform concept development. At this time, the existing 10th & 11th Street one-way configuration is anticipated to be retained.